
Sunday, August 26, 2018

Great Grandpa's 85th Birthday Cruise

Eighty Five years of age is something to celebrate.  BIG TIME!  Little did we know that my Dad would be celebrating in the Caribbean without us.

Let me back up just a little.

Months earlier Steve and I decided that we wanted to cruise with some friends on the Royal Princess, just as we had a couple years earlier for our honeymoon.  

Cruising the Caribbean is so much fun, hopping from island to island on an all inclusive resort with casino gambling to boot. We enjoy playing cards and we don't spend any more than we budget.  (cough, cough)  Well, at least not most of the time. 

All the delicious food and drinks we can ingest are aboard ship for our consumption.  There is Las Vegas style entertainment every night and all we have to do is walk down to the theater deck for that.

We love walking around the deck and stopping from time to time to watch the beautiful sunsets.  Please note that we stay too long in the casino and never make it out of bed to watch the sunrise.  So, the sunsets are even more beautiful.     

Ok, so we set up a "group cruise" with Princess Cruises and three pairs of our good friends, signed on to cruise with us.  Non of them knew each other, but because we knew them all, there was no question but that a great time would be had by all.

Then, I got the brilliant idea that because my Dad's eighty-fifth birthday was happening during the dates of our cruise, we would invite him to go along.  

It was our birthday gift to him.  My Dad is so youthful, we knew he would have a great time and we would be there to watch and be sure he didn't get lost in the Caribbean.  He is very outgoing and would love meeting all our friends. It would be a B L A S T!

So, it was all set.  The embarkation passes were printed.  The airplane reservations were made and we drove to Philadelphia. 

This was the day before embarkation from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on the Royal Princess.  The same ship we cruised on our honeymoon.  We were to fly out of Philly airport early the next morning.   

I was so excited that I found it very difficult to sleep that night.  Just like a kid waiting for Christmas day. 

That is why I was awake at 3:00 am.  

My cell phone was charging on the night stand which was on the other side of my husband.  But something in my heart said that I needed to take a look at it right THEN.  

So, I poked Steve and said, "Are you asleep"?

I'm not sure why he was so grumpy when he said, "Not any more".

As quietly as I could, I said, will you hand me my cell phone.  I didn't want to wake my Dad who was sleeping in the other bed.

As Steve handed me my cell phone, it vibrated and a text message came in.  It was from our future son-in-law.

Andrew said, "I'm not sure if you will get this message before you fly out, but I wanted to let you know that Stacy's water broke and she is in the ambulance on the way to Danville to have the baby".

I was in shock.  We were supposed to go on our cruise and have another 3 weeks before the baby was due.

Was this really happening?

I jumped out of bed, but was still as quiet as I could be and went into the living area of the hotel suite we were in.  Steve followed me out wondering what was going on.

There we were, in our pajamas, in a hotel in Philadelphia, and my daughter was having her baby!  

I called Andrew to be sure that it wasn't a "false alarm" and he assured me that they had been to the hospital and because she was only 34 weeks and they had no NICU at Lewistown hospital, the ambulance was taking her to Danville, where they did have a NICU in case it was needed.

After I talked with him, I stood there with my mouth open and my cell phone in my hand while my brain tried to process everything.

There was one thing for sure, I had to return to Danville and I couldn't go on the cruise.  But, Steve and my Dad could go. 

Steve looked at me like I had two heads and said, "I can't go without you".  

Just then Dad came out of the bedroom and asked what was happening.  After the explanation and while Steve and I were still trying to sort out plans, he just sat very quietly.  But, his brain was churning.

We did take out the trip insurance for any emergency, so I felt fairly certain that would not be an issue.  But, just as we had decided to pack up the car and head for Danville, Dad had a different take on the subject.

He looked very calculating and said, "Well, I can't think of anything that a great grandpa can do in a case like this.  So, I would like to continue on the cruise". 

Another little shock went through my body.

I was about to be a grandmother for the third time, not sure of the outcome for this premature baby and my 85 year old Dad wanted to get on to an airplane, by himself, and go on a cruise to the Caribbean.

This was all my brilliant idea.  Without me going along, I was sure he would get lost down there and I might never see him again.  

What a conundrum I was in!  But, how do you tell your Dad, "No".

I couldn't.

That is when I traveled with him, on the hotel shuttle, to the airport and made sure he was at the proper gate for the proper plane to take off and land at the proper airport.  I knew he would at least make it that far because it was nonstop!  

As I waited with him at gate 22, I made sure, three times, that he had his passport and his embarkation papers.  I also gave him the cell phone numbers of each couple going with him from our party and my planner book.  

With a lump in my throat, I asked him to journal in it on each day and tell me everything he did on his cruise.  

To tell you the truth, I stopped short of pinning his name, address and destination on his shirt pocket because I didn't want to embarrass him.

Then I said, well, I really should get back to the hotel.  I gave him a tight hug and a kiss, then walked away slowly, turning around three times to check on him.  ('s what an older daughter does.  Don't laugh)

I rode the shuttle back to the hotel where Steve was waiting.  I was still in disbelief and still in shock.

Text messages are wonderful things.  So, I got on our group text (forgetting that Dad got these texts too) and explained to my sisters, nieces and older daughter that Stacy was having her baby and I had just put grandpa on a plane where he was no longer in my control. 

My sisters were not pleased with the situation either, as indicated in their texts. (they also forgot that Dad would get these texts as soon as he landed)  They said, "Oh, Cathy, I don't know about this."  

However, my nieces texted that Grandpa "would be just fine" and he "would probably have a better time without us, than he would with us".  I wasn't quite sure what to make of that, but went with the encouragement.

As we were driving to Danville, a few hours after sending these text messages, Dad evidently landed in Florida and replied, "Will you girls calm down?  I will be just fine, just like my granddaughters say".  

At this point, there was nothing more to do but drive to Danville and wait for my newest granddaughter to arrive.  Below are some pictures and the daily report of what grandpa did on his cruise to the Caribbean.  Who would you say was right?  His daughters or his granddaughters?


Muster call @ 3:15
Gathered with life jackets at Princess Theater
Dinner with the gang at 5:30 
To Room 

Dawn and Bob write:  Missing you but hoping all goes well w/Stacy!  Love.
Sharon & Tom write:  Wish you were here.  I hope all is well. Prayers are with you.
Karen & Ed write:  Miss you - talking about you!  Congrats grandparents! prayers with you!
Dad writes:  Having a great meal in the Concerto Room.  Everyone misses youse guys.
Listened to talk about shore excursions.
Joined the Pop Choir

0700 - Visited fitness center but decided a one mile walk around the deck worked well.  Plus walking from room to events was good exercise. 
1000 - Ran into a lady (Glenda from VA) that I followed thru boarding for over an hour.  We talked & I had a picture with her
1300 - Pop Choir rehearsal
1730 - Formal Dinner

0700 - up to fitness deck, then to breakfast
Relaxing day.  
Did not go ashore to Aruba
Had lunch and a lady asked to sit at my table -- Mary  from Minesota.
1730 - Evening meal - Sharon not there, Dawn & Bob not there.  Karen and Ed were there.
1900 - Went to evening show with a fantastic lady singer & impressionist Christiana Bianco?

DAY FIVE - Bonaire, Caribbean Netherlands
0700 - Breakfast 
0800 - Walk around Bonaire - A lady talked to me about my hat so I had a photo with her - Janice from Boston.  
0900 - Did some reading on deck
Observed game of bean bag toss
Met Christina Bianco and had a photo with her.  Bianco is top singer and impressionist (see above)
1200 - Brunch time
1300 - Princess Pop Choir rehearse, photo with Director Renee
 1730 -  Dinner at Concerto with all of our friends. Dawn had info and photos of Stacy & baby Skylar.  Photos of each couple and since I needed a partner, I asked our waitress Eugenia Ostapenko to sit with me and I had a photo with her.

DAY SIX:  Grenada
0700 - Walk around exercise deck
0800 - Breakfast with Karen and Ed
0930 - Reading while waiting to dock
1100 - Practice with chorus
1200 - Eat Lunch - small today
1300 - Off to Grenada, walked around shore stores, no purchases
Talked with a couple from GA.  The man was in military who served till retirement.  Now they go on cruises regularly.
1730 - Eating time
1900 - Hawley Magic Show - Fantastic

0700 - up and at'm
Talked with a Korean Vet from New Orleans
Not going ashore - Leaving port @ 3:30
1000 - No chorus practice today
spent morning reading
attended bean bag toss
1200 - lunch on Horizon Court
1300 - Cabin Rest
1400 - Reading my Kindle while wandering around ship
Hot weather outside
1530 - all aboard
1630 - as a Casino VIP - I received a free bottle of wine
1730 - Time for supper
All in attendance except Cathy and Steve
1930 - Saw Stage show - singers & dancers "What the world needs now" 
Sat with four folks from Canada
2000 - Bed

DAY EIGHT:  St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
0700 - Put on my 1932 shirt
0730 - Breakfast
0830 - Met a guy who was also born in 1932 - May
0930 - Went into St. Thomas
Called Cathy, then Lori, plus texted all I was at St. Thomas
Purchased two items only:  A T-shirt for me & a baby souvenier shirt for Skylar
1230 Light Lunch
1300 Relaxing afternoon
1400 Finished my kindle books
1630 All Aboard
1730  Evening meal - Birthday Time -- all of us there. 
1930 Showtime - Alley Cats Quartet -- Be Bop from "50s - 60s"
2000 Retired

0730 - Breakfast
         Met a young gal from Romania - Camella - Had a photo with her.
1000 - Culinary Demo & tour of Galley
1100 - Talked to Elena - a Jr. Comptroller who acted in a photo with me, pretending to give me advice
1230  Pop Choir Rehearsal
1400  Met a lady in a room where we were reading - She reminded me of the Carter relatives.  She asked about my cruise and I had a photo with her - Shirley from VA
1700 Pop Choir Concert -- Well attended, good response from the crowd.
1730  Supper with all our friends
1930  Singers/Dancers Spectacular Show Excellent
2130  Back to room

DAY TEN - Princess Cays, Bahamas
0700 - Breakfast
0900 - Read Articles for Leaving the ship tomorrow
           Pack up
1000 - Went ashore to Princess Cays, Ate lunch there
One of the crew who met us at our evening meal & served for Breakfast talked to me with a big smile.  I had a photo with her making believe she was chastising me.  Litinka from China

DAY ELEVEN - Fort Lauderdale
0800 - Disembarked Fort Lauderdale, Fl
     Got a room at the Holiday Inn Express at Crown Plaza, Ft. Lauderdale Airport.  Stayed the night for a 0700 - flight the next day

Monday - Arrived in Philadelphia, Jon & Kim pick me up and go to Cathy and Steve's

The end.

Ps:  Who knew they had a fitness room aboard ship?  Let alone that 0700 hours was a real "wake up" time.      


All I've Ever Wanted
Have you ever looked back on your life and noticed that the whole picture is made up of a bunch of paths that seem to be woven together?  

You can reflect, as you visualize the whole, on how, during and at the end of each experience, the choices you made clearly set you on particular paths.  

Eventually, each path chosen becomes strong and straight and is woven into a whole lifetime tapestry with pictures that only you can see using your mind's eye.  

Some paths of our tapestry are dark and scary, while other sections of your tapestry are bright and beautiful.  Each section highlighting the pieces of your life as you had lived those times.  

The dark and scary sections are the paths that you wish you hadn't had to go down.

The beautiful pieces are paths you wish you could remain on forever, without making any further choices or continuing with any more experiences.  

The rules of life say that you are not able to reverse course on your path, no mater how hard you try.  

Life rule number one:  You may not erase life paths from your life.  You can only go forward in time, making (hopefully) better choices (at least the best you know how from experience) and weaving your paths over and under each other, until the tapestry is complete.

My tapestry is, at the time of this writing, sixty-four and a half years in the making.  A relatively short lifetime, and I know that many do not make it even this far. Hopefully, I will have many more threads in my weaving.  

Those remaining threads will not be major, new "paths".  They will be bright and gleaned from the lessons that I've learned on each of my paths, through life and my choices. 

In my life, there are more dark pieces than I would have liked, but the bright pieces woven throughout, make the whole tapestry so beautiful and give it bright integral rainbow colors.  

While I look back in my mind's eye, I can see that the dark pieces were necessary and actually help the whole picture be clearly beautiful. That is impossible to see on those dark paths of life, as you live them.

So, I believe the bright and beautiful parts of my tapestry are what Heaven has waiting for me.  I'll be living eternally with Jesus, my Savior, and my loved ones who have completed their weaving.  

I will go through my after-life in Heaven in my happy corner, made up of the brightest and most peaceful pieces of my life tapestry.

In the posts of "My Real Faith Seeds" blog, I will take the reader along those life paths. My hope is that my experiences may help someone get through, continue on and never give up in their path through life. 

The posts will not be in order of how they were lived, but will be stories in and of themselves of true times in my life.  You can determine the bright threads from the darker sections, always knowing that there is no giving up.  

Get to the end of all your paths, through faith and then, you will be able to look at your tapestry with pride for having gone the distance.  

It is true that whatever God brings you to, He will bring your through.  Never give up.

IT'S OKAY TO BE ANGRY WITH GOD - but talk with Him about it

 November 23, 2021  --  My Real Faith Seeds - a day of discussion with God.   Over the past couple of months I've learned that people cl...